Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hawk, Bird of Message

This episode of "Dragon's Soap Box" is about a bird. What bird? That one bird with the claws and talons and... stuff. Correct! Today we have the hawk on deck! Well... eh, whatever. Little sickly so my puns might be a little confusing. I apologize in advance for the stupid ones. It's just because of the cold or whatever I caught.

Anywho, let's begin. The reason for bringing up this bird of prey is because I used to have the red-tailed hawk as a power animal. Need more information? I'll give you a moment to figure it out. Good? Perfect! Recently I have found out my new animal is probably the butterfly (hence why my first post was about the insect). This post with have a bit more about myself in this than the last two. Bare with me, might be a boring story.

First off, if it wasn't apparent, I am working hard to be a shaman, otherwise known as a medicine man. I'm not forcing a religion on you and I don't hope you guys see some weirdo light that falls from the sky or anything. I'm just giving you a tiny taste of what some animals resemble. It's really cool when you think about it. Ever notice that when you see a crow, your first instinct might be that it is an annoying bird? Maybe you despise these birds? What if I told you many religions call it "The Bird of Death"? Seeing a murder(flock) of crows is a bad omen to tons of religions. Yet death isn't something we should be afraid of or avoid, right? I'm getting a little off topic so I am gonna just end that bit here, okay?

One last thing about shamans. It's technically not a religion. It's a practice that was built off of a religion, but if you were to say you practice shamanism and you are Christian, that is possible. Or if you are Hindu, that works too. Why tell you that? Mostly because I want people to look at this post as what it is instead of someone trying to force a belief on them. Why should I do that to other people when I hate it when people tell me I am going to hell because I am not Christian? I also found out a lot of people like finding out their birth totems and animal totems and stuff, so this might be cool, ya know?

Done with that, let's get back to the bird, the hawk. This bird is the bird of message. Meaning it gives message to those on earth from that deity above. The hawk guides us through life, helping us to see things we wouldn't have seen before without it. The hawk gives us the wisdom that being quiet and listening and seeing can mean everything. 

Why does this matter? Why the heck am I telling you all of this? Easy. The more you observe, the more you learn. The more you piece together, the more you solve. Everyone knows Sherlock Holmes! He is extremely observant and holds a lot of wisdom. Of course, you don't need to be able to know when someone has a loner phone or how someone was murder, but being able to see changes in your environment goes a long way. Maybe your friend is feeling a little out of it? Bet you could tell if you noticed they started saying "Hey" instead of "Yo Dawg! What's shakin'?" 

The hawk also shows us that wisdom comes in all sizes. Babies know if someone is a bad person from what I have noticed. Dogs do the same and protect their owners. And have you ever heard this riddle? "What is greater than God. More evil than the devil. The poor have. The rich need it. And if you eat it, you'll die?" Little kids get it. The answer is just nothing. Pretty cool, huh? Sometimes we also need to kick back and take things one at a time. Ya know? Not everything is as complex as you think. 

Next time you have a problem, get away from it and just relax. An idea will probably come after a moment and it will build or something like that. All right? Don't over complicate things.

Song... uhhhhh... What the heck, let's just go with I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin. Why? No idea... Good song is all I can say. Good? Great.

... Yep, looks cool, right? I liked it... You'll find out over the course of this blog that I really like feathers and wings and stuff... ah well, fun picture time!

Yep, has absolutely nothing to do with the topic. Told you this might happen. I own neither of these photos (As you had already guessed by the "IFunny" thing.) 

Well, this was fun. Now if you will excuse me, I have a bed to go rest in to try and get over this cold. Hope you enjoyed! Comment please! Thanks! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pokemon are Pretty Awesome

All right, this is going to be a little on the weird side, but hopefully it still works. The two Pokemon we will be talking about today are that annoying little fish that is as hard as a rock and the the cute brown creature that can evolve into any type. That's right, you guessed it; today we to talk about Magikarp and Eevee.

We all know we hate that fish. Can't eat it, can't farm it for decent exp., and it knows "Splash". Why the heck should I even talk about him? Useless little freak, what's he got going for him?

A flying Leviathan Pokemon! That little guy is worth something to become this powerful creature, right? It even has a mega! You know what that tells me? If you work hard enough, you will improve and you will achieve what you want. People will beat you down, challenge you for the sake of winning an easy fight, but don't ever let that get the better of you. One day, you will beat them at their own game. Can you imagine that husky bully that kept beating you up for your lunch money? A few years later, you're his boss, aren't you? You can keep him from being promoted or getting more than minimum wage!

Though, of course, make the right choice and just play a few office pranks on him instead of making his life a living hell, okay? We want him to admire you and apologize for his actions, not grovel at your feet and beg for mercy. Well, maybe some of us do want that... but we SHOULD be the better person now that we kinda have the bully wrapped around out pinky, right?

Next Pokemon is that lovable Eevee whom you want to cuddle all day! Why is this creature here? Think about it. What happens when it evolves? It can change from a stone, a grassy or icy rock, the night and day, and even through affection. I wouldn't doubt later on that they have the little thing turn into a poison type by giving it a poison barb or something. A poison heal ability would be cool too... but, anyway, I mention Eevee because you can be anything you want to be when you grow up. Your life is limited to your imagination. If you want to create magic, becoming a scientist or a philosopher. Find out what makes the world tick whether it's through prayer or through alchemy. You want to create something? Plot your world into a story or invent something you wanna see in the world. The greatest people in history started with no idea about how to get around this planet, then they became legends. They show up in our history books all the time!

What's your idea? Comment here and see what happens. Who knows? Your idea might end up being what this world needs!

Hm... song for the day... Let's go with Pokemon D/P Remix: Cynthia Battle (2nd remix) The person who made this is amazing. The remix is so cool! I suggest listen to this to get pumped for something and to remind you of Pokemon.

"If you don't struggle, you won't improve."

Isn't it purty? Love this... Ya know, let's just make it national Pokemon day, okay? Once again this was found on the net. Not mine.

Hehe... I have done this... not on purpose, more of I forgot and then I realized I was grinding before the legendary pokemon came... so I had the choice of restarting and losing all that time or never getting the pokemon... Don't remember what I picked but eh. Don't own this picture either.

Anyway, hope you liked the second post here! Enjoy and comment so I know this is any good! See ya tomorrow, everyone!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Butterfly, the Creature of Change

All right, so we will see how well this one goes. To those who are here, thanks for  looking at this! It means a lot to me to see people looking for different types of blogs that are a little out of the ordinary. I also hope you enjoy reading these oddball things and hope it spreads a little light on your day. That's what it's here for!

So, for those who are just passing by, let me just explain a little about my plan for this blog. The technicalities for this blog are simple. It will have a little story, a few paragraphs of something random, or an animal description. The things I will make sure to always have at the bottom of the blog will be a new song to listen to, a cool picture that may or may not fit the theme of the post, and maybe a funny picture that also may or may not be part of the theme. We will see how things go. 

Now for the purpose of this blog, right? I hope to change the way people think about their lives or the people around them. Hopefully, as the blog is called, spread a little sunshine on those who have been going through rough times. That's my goal. 

Little more before we start. I got the idea for this from a dear friend, Native American animal totems, and a Disney movie. I have heard (constantly) that I am really good at helping people feel better in dark times. So, why not create a blog that does just that?

Phew, now that's out of the way. Let's get down to it!

First post will be a creature, as you can see in the title, it'll be the butterfly. Pretty feminine, right? Guys aren't gonna want to read this bull, but I'm gonna have some hope. Anyway, what's so special about this stupid, little insect? In Native American culture, this winged thing is the symbol of change. Actually, butterflies symbolize even more than that. They symbolize change, freedom, colors, and creativity. Butterflies teach people about the joy of living. 

Sappy... not a big fan of it, but let's face it. We all take it for granted. All of us have problems accepting that live isn't just made to bring sorrow and pain. Whatever deity you believe in or don't, this world wasn't based around hardship. Sure, history shows us that we fought for what we wanted, but the goal was something more. To see the beauty of the world and those around us. In the bleakest times and worst situations, we have to remember that there will be sunlight and there will be more to it than the problems you face. 

I promise, not all my posts will be so preachy, I will probably have more that are lazy and probably just a paragraph long. I won't tell you to stop doing drugs or save the world from our pollution. You hear that EVERYWHERE! Why do you want one more blog telling you how to live your life? You don't, right? Therefore, I won't do that to you. However, I do want to make you day. This could be like that "Dear Ellie" or whatever it was back in the day where you send letters to the anonymous article in the newspaper to get your problems solved. 

Anyway, I think I have babbled enough. I will do my best to post everyday for you guys. As for now here are those things in the top I talked to you about.

The song for today is going to be Rush by Aly and Aj. Yeah, kinda stupid and rather girly, but hey, it's something, right? Just hope this blog gets to a point where guys will like it too. Ya know, without porn being involved. 

I thought this looked pretty cool. Hope you liked it! And for copyright stuff... I do not own this picture. I found it on the internet and really liked it. So sue me.

That's right! I am a Pokemon fan so there will probably be a lot of these as the funny photo for the day. Once again, don't own it, found it hilarious. 

Hope you enjoyed! Comment!