Monday, May 19, 2014

Butterfly, the Creature of Change

All right, so we will see how well this one goes. To those who are here, thanks for  looking at this! It means a lot to me to see people looking for different types of blogs that are a little out of the ordinary. I also hope you enjoy reading these oddball things and hope it spreads a little light on your day. That's what it's here for!

So, for those who are just passing by, let me just explain a little about my plan for this blog. The technicalities for this blog are simple. It will have a little story, a few paragraphs of something random, or an animal description. The things I will make sure to always have at the bottom of the blog will be a new song to listen to, a cool picture that may or may not fit the theme of the post, and maybe a funny picture that also may or may not be part of the theme. We will see how things go. 

Now for the purpose of this blog, right? I hope to change the way people think about their lives or the people around them. Hopefully, as the blog is called, spread a little sunshine on those who have been going through rough times. That's my goal. 

Little more before we start. I got the idea for this from a dear friend, Native American animal totems, and a Disney movie. I have heard (constantly) that I am really good at helping people feel better in dark times. So, why not create a blog that does just that?

Phew, now that's out of the way. Let's get down to it!

First post will be a creature, as you can see in the title, it'll be the butterfly. Pretty feminine, right? Guys aren't gonna want to read this bull, but I'm gonna have some hope. Anyway, what's so special about this stupid, little insect? In Native American culture, this winged thing is the symbol of change. Actually, butterflies symbolize even more than that. They symbolize change, freedom, colors, and creativity. Butterflies teach people about the joy of living. 

Sappy... not a big fan of it, but let's face it. We all take it for granted. All of us have problems accepting that live isn't just made to bring sorrow and pain. Whatever deity you believe in or don't, this world wasn't based around hardship. Sure, history shows us that we fought for what we wanted, but the goal was something more. To see the beauty of the world and those around us. In the bleakest times and worst situations, we have to remember that there will be sunlight and there will be more to it than the problems you face. 

I promise, not all my posts will be so preachy, I will probably have more that are lazy and probably just a paragraph long. I won't tell you to stop doing drugs or save the world from our pollution. You hear that EVERYWHERE! Why do you want one more blog telling you how to live your life? You don't, right? Therefore, I won't do that to you. However, I do want to make you day. This could be like that "Dear Ellie" or whatever it was back in the day where you send letters to the anonymous article in the newspaper to get your problems solved. 

Anyway, I think I have babbled enough. I will do my best to post everyday for you guys. As for now here are those things in the top I talked to you about.

The song for today is going to be Rush by Aly and Aj. Yeah, kinda stupid and rather girly, but hey, it's something, right? Just hope this blog gets to a point where guys will like it too. Ya know, without porn being involved. 

I thought this looked pretty cool. Hope you liked it! And for copyright stuff... I do not own this picture. I found it on the internet and really liked it. So sue me.

That's right! I am a Pokemon fan so there will probably be a lot of these as the funny photo for the day. Once again, don't own it, found it hilarious. 

Hope you enjoyed! Comment!

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